Get sun position (declination, elevation, and azimuth) for a given day and time.
- lon
Longitude (numeric value between -180 and 180)
- lat
Latitude (numeric value between -90 and 90)
- date
A Date object or character giving the date in YYYY-MM-DD format (e.g. "2021-02-19"). Can be a vector too, e.g. c("2021-02-19", "2021-08-04"). Note different years have no effect on sun position calculations.
- hour
Hour of the day. Integer number (or numeric vector) between 0 and 23 (both included).
- omit.nights
Logical. If TRUE, sun positions will only be returned when it is daytime (i.e. nighttimes will be omitted)
A data frame with solar elevation and azimuth per hour
as returned by solartime::computeSunPositionDoyHour()
but converted to degrees rather than radians.
sunpos <- get_sun_position(lon = -5.99, lat = 37.39, date = "2021-02-19", hour = 15)
sunpos <- get_sun_position(lon = -5.99, lat = 37.39,
date = c("2021-02-19", "2022-08-05"), hour = 10:14)